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APAS works to reduce the number of unwanted pets in Socorro County. We offer low-income residents and senior citizens financial assistance to spay/neuter their pets. We also work with the Socorro Animal Shelter to help place homeless pets.


Please help us in our mission by becoming a member, or volunteering with APAS or our local shelter.


1) Donate and become a member via Paypal.


2) Print and fill-out our membership form and mail it to us with your donation at:

APAS, PO Box 451, Socorro, NM 87801.


APAS is a registered 501(c)(3) charitable non-profit. You can find us on the IRS webpage and Guide Star.


JOIN!  Print Membership form and mail with payment to:
PO Box 451
Socorro, NM 87801

APAS membership form.jpg

There are other easy ways to donate to APAS.


You can use iGive for many other website purchases. Go to, set-up an account and designate our organization. They also have a handy iGive button you can install on your computer that lets you know when you are purchasing from a site that donates via iGive.

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